Rizzoo Rizzoo - 4 Deep (Explicit)Album: Coming Soon
Rizzoo Rizzoo - 4 Deep (Radio)Album: Coming Soon
Rizzoo Rizzoo - 4 Deep (Acapella Explicit)Album: Coming Soon
Rizzoo Rizzoo - 4 Deep (Radio)Album: Coming Soon
- Title
4 Deep
- Artist
Rizzoo Rizzoo
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Explicit - Radio - Acapella Explicit - Acapella Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Paper Boi Beatz
- Label
Create Music Group, Inc.
- Contact
DJ Jaybone
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
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Rizzoo Rizzoo
4 Deep
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Song Overview
When it comes the infrastructure of the modern Houston sound, The Sauce Factory has played a pivotal part into the way the rest of the nation looks at Texas' emerging soundscape.
One of the X Factors in the collective that has been gaining steam is Rizzoo Rizzoo.
His exuberant and outlandish sense of confidence and swagger separates himself from the rest of the pack when it comes to artists in the South.
With hits such as "Off The Lot", "4 Deep" and "Wannabe", he's crafted an archive that speaks volume on his range of turn up music but also still having the ability to move a crowd with array of hits. Going at this rate, Rizzoo is poised to be one of Texas most unique stars on the verge of achieving national success.