Cooley - Designer (Explicit)Album: No Distractions
Cooley - Designer (Radio)Album: No Distractions
Cooley - Designer (Instrumental)Album: No Distractions
- Title
- Artist
- Album
No Distractions
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Instrumental
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
- Contact
Breezy Says
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
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Song Overview
Cooley, CEO and artist from Blacc Flame Musiq is on his way to making a major mark in urban music. Recently having released singles “Ain’t No Love,” “Whip This Snow” featuring Payroll Giovanni and “Young Trap Niggas.” Today, we bring the release of his newest single “Designer”. “I got my own style, my own voice and I’m real,” says Cooley. “My music is about life stories. It’s about the club. It’s about so much because I’m an all-around-type dude. I can rap about the streets, but I can also rap about relationships, and I got club music to have the girls dancing. I can relate to whatever. I don’t know everything, but I can relate to things that I’ve been around and the things I’ve done.” Check out his latest single, which is featured on the streets A&R, Bigga Rankin, Hotlist! Support and feedback are greatly appreciated.