Skyyborn - Don't I (Radio)Album: Skyyborn No Gravity
- Title
Don't I
- Artist
- Album
Skyyborn No Gravity
- Version
- Category
Rap Group
- Genre
- Producer
AO Owens
- Label
I Sign Myself
- Contact
Paul Tutt
- Region
North East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.50 out of 5
- Video Url
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Don't I
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Song Overview
Skyyborn a hot rap duo group straight out of Memphis,Tn Jr Banks & Mike Peezy two from to different areas of Memphis Tn Orange Mound & South Memphis. Skyyborn had different songs on different radio stations in Memphis & different markets . Also did songs with La Chat, Compton Menace , OG Boo Dirty, Mac E and shows with 3-6 mafia, Rocko, La Chat, Slim Thug, Yo Gotti and Zedzilla. Skyyborn also has won numerous indie awards with the 3 times SCM Awards, 2 time Jackson Music Awards,Hood Stars Awards, 92.7fm and nominate for 4 times Memphis Hip Hop Awards & 2 times SEA Awards.