Fiesta Electronica - Smiley Miami 2nyce Club Mix
01 Fiesta Electronica INSTRUMENTAL
01 Fiesta Electronica Acapella
Fiesta Electronica Radio
VIVA LATINA-Smiley Miami ft kaptn Fuego
- Title
Fiesta Electronica b/w Viva Latina
- Artist
Smiley Miami ft 2Nyce b/w Kaptn ft Smiley Miami & Fuego
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
- Category
Disc Jockey
- Genre
- Producer
Smiley Miami
- Label
DJ International
- Contact
Smiley Miami
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.63 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK
Smiley Miami ft 2Nyce b/w Kaptn ft Smiley Miami & Fuego
Fiesta Electronica b/w Viva Latina
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Song Overview
International DJ/Producer Smiley Miami known for creating high energy party experiences worldwide. Recently seen on Univision & Telemundo TV, Smiley projects his hit Electro Latino tracks to the masses, Performing for top Artists Jason Derulo in Dubai & Abudabi and The Madonna concert at the AAA Miami arena He surely is the next Rising Star out of Miami taking over the music charts and influencing the moves on the dance floors along the way. Now booking TAKEFLIGHT TOUR !! Booking@smileymiami.com