1. Tripl3t - He Trippin (Explicit)
    Album: Still Humble, 25 Years A Tripl3t
  2. Tripl3t - He Trippin (Radio)
    Album: Still Humble, 25 Years A Tripl3t

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Still Humble, 25 Years A Tripl3t Cover Real Triplet Shit Logo



He Trippin


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Song Overview

Up & coming artist "Tripl3t" of the R.T.S.(Real Triplet Shit) group drops a street banger "He Trippin". Available on his debut project "Still Humble" & now available on the 2nd "25 A Tripl3t".

DJ Feedback

I feel as though the intro is really too long and the overall mix could use some work. The flow style is catchy but I wouldn't push this as a single

DJ QUAKE, Pensacola, FL USA

An "OK" record as a mixtape filler. Intro is rather long. Tempo and melody of the song is a bit slow. I'd prefer a better mix also.

Tony Davis The DJ, Dothan, AL USA

An "OK" record as a mixtape filler. Intro is rather long. Tempo and melody of the song is a bit slow. I'd prefer a better mix also.

Tony Davis The DJ, Dothan, AL USA

An "OK" record as a mixtape filler. Intro is rather long. Tempo and melody of the song is a bit slow. I'd prefer a better mix also.

Tony Davis The DJ, Dothan, AL USA

An "OK" record as a mixtape filler. Intro is rather long. Tempo and melody of the song is a bit slow. I'd prefer a better mix also.

Tony Davis The DJ, Dothan, AL USA

Needs a better mix. The vocals are loud over the beat. The hook is ok. The flow could be better.

Dj HeadBussa, , Tampa

Trim the intro down, other than that it's a cool mixtape track

TampaMystic, Atlanta

it's a cool mixtape record intro to long

Djhypemancrunk, , Tennessee

intro is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long. and it needs to be re-produced. im not sold on this as a single

dj big boi, panama city

nice production nice mixtape track

Chill Will, , valdosta

The audio needs a better mix, the intro is toooo long, cut that down. dont think this is a single

Kingpin, atlanta