God Is Not Dead
- Title
He's Alive
- Artist
Rev Parker
- Album
Power & Praise
- Version
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- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Ugly Ducking Ent.
- Contact
- Region
South East
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- Rating
4.87 out of 5
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Rev Parker
He's Alive
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Song Overview
Greetings in the name of Jesus my name is Miss Reverend Parker I am an old school traditional Reverend. I have been in the music business over 35 years. I've always done traditional gospel but now with the help of my children son Emmey gramz and my granddaughter leean I am Bridging the Gap between Hip Hop, pop and gospel this is the first of its kind. I'm on a mission to bridge the gap and I won't stop until I do I'm from Alabama by way of New York and I also have over 200000 streams on Spotify I figure instead of talkin down and overlooking the new generations music why not embrace them. So that brings us to the new style of gospel music that's what I'm delivering to you so that i may bring the word of good news and our lord jesus on this project. so thank you and God bless you. Yours truly miss Reverend Parker.