Dorrough - Ice Cream Paint Job 2 RADIO
Dorrough - Ice Cream Paint Job 2 DJ INTRO RADIO
- Title
Ice Cream Paint Job 2
- Artist
Dorrough Music aka Six 3
- Album
- Version
Radio - DJ Intro Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
DigiNorm & 2Much
- Label
One Motion
- Contact
- Region
South West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.83 out of 5
- Video Url
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Dorrough Music aka Six 3
Ice Cream Paint Job 2
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Song Overview
VirDiKO Exclusive!!!!
It’s official! The 15th anniversary of the
iconic triple platinum hit "Ice Cream
Paint Job" is here with a part 2 – a fresh
sequel that's as addictive as the original.
Dorrough aka Six 3 is back at it again,
blending his signature flow with upbeats
to mark not just a milestone in music,
but the launch of his very own legal
marijuana strain. This track is more than
a song; it's a movement. Whether you're
a fan of the classic or here for a new
wave, this track will have you hooked.
Ready. Set. Repeat. The song and video
will be released 3.22.