1. DJ Epps ft 2milly - I'm the Shit (Explicit)
    Album: N/A
  2. DJ Epps ft 2milly - I'm the Shit (Radio)
    Album: N/A
  3. DJ Epps ft 2milly - I'm the Shit (Radio 8bar intro)
    Album: N/A

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DJ Epps ft 2milly

I'm the Shit


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Song Overview

Brand new single coming straight from the man himself DJ Epps. Produced by The Magnificent Beats, video Directed by Shula Da Don.

DJ Feedback

nice track

DJ Sammy Jammy, Miami Beach, FL USA

I happen to have a show named The Grind Show. It airs on VGR (7pm daily), NLD Radio (9pm daily) and the podcasts are on iheartradio. Send me drop and I will get the single on it.


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us


DJ Big 6, Spartanburg, SC USA

spin it

dj petai, hbg


Dj black cat, , Austin tx