KS Tha Kid - Move That Work prod by Young BunkAlbum: N/A
KS Tha Kid - Move That Work prod by Young Bunk (Radio)Album: N/A
- Title
Move That Work
- Artist
KS Tha Kid
- Album
- Version
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Young Bunk
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- Rating
4.71 out of 5
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KS Tha Kid
Move That Work
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Song Overview
KS Tha Kid is back after a 3year hiatus with his brand new “Move That Work” produced by Young Bunk. Honestly, going into this I was expecting another trap record that just made me wish it would hurry up and end, boy was I wrong. Soon as I pressed play a feeling of nostalgia hit and I started bopping my head. Next thing I know, I was twerking in my living room, looking around making sure nobody caught me. See, “Move That Work” takes us back to the year 2000 with a sample of “Whistle While You Twerk” by the Ying Yang Twins an o what a time to be clubbing that was. What impressed me though was that KS Tha Kid is not overshadowed by such an iconic sample, he held it down lyrically and with delivery, that although I had that “this reminds me of” feeling, it was still new school enough to have automatically get added to my Gym and Rap Spotify playlists…don’t just take my word for it though, Check it out for yourself and make sure to support.