CARL BRISTER - L.O.V.E. CLUB REMIX by Mark WilsonAlbum: Coming Soon!
Carl Brister - L.O.V.E. RADIOAlbum: Coming Soon!
Carl Brister - L.O.V.E. ACAPELLA RADIOAlbum: Coming Soon!
- Title
L.O.V.E. REMIX by Mark Wilson
- Artist
Carl Brister
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Club Remix Radio - Main - Acapella Radio
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
Mark Wilson
- Label
Agape MusicWorks
- Contact
Carl Brister
- Region
North East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.74 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Carl Brister
L.O.V.E. REMIX by Mark Wilson
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Song Overview
"Lately the world's been goin' crazy, but hate divides. Love's the one thing that unifies." When I wrote these words, I was concerned about the world that was being left for the next generation. I needed to write these lyrics as a way to offer a solution as we stand up for racial equality, social justice, and as we support one another through the pandemic.
DJ's....Enjoy this exclusive CLUB remix by Mark Wilson! Feedback Greatly Appreciated!