Blasian B3 ft Lil Donad - Lil Bitch (Dirty)Album: Coming Soon
Blasian B3 ft 4Lil Donad - Lil Bish (Radio)Album: Coming Soon
- Title
Lil Bitch
- Artist
Blasian B3 ft. Lil Donald
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Daniel Few
- Label
Bigga Is Betta
- Contact
Bigga Rankin (A&R)
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.96 out of 5
- Video Url
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Blasian B3 ft. Lil Donald
Lil Bitch
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Song Overview
Blasian B3 is back with another anthem for the streets. This time around she's brought Lil Donald along for the ride. Lil Bitch is a record everyone can relate to, because we've all dealt with someone that needs an ego check. So, let's kick off the first quarter with some in your face lyrics and hype production. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the Streets A&R, Bigga Rankin.