1. A.M.P Fetti ft Rich Fetti - Millon Dollar Phone EXPLICIT
    Album: Back 2 The Streets
  2. A.M.P Fetti ft Rich Fetti - Millon Dollar Phone RADIO
    Album: Back 2 The Streets

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Back 2 The Streets Cover Fetti Records Inc Logo


A.M.P Fetti feat Rich Fetti

Million Dollar Phone


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Song Overview

Would like to thank God first and foremost and everyone for giving our music a chance. All the promoters, dj’s, music professionals and future fans for the support. Music is our passion, it is our life. We hope we can share new material with the world and be apart of your life and everyone apart of yours. Thanks for the support again..

DJ Feedback

That's Hot

DJ Bass V, N. Charleston, SC USA

Clever beat, flows are good, I could definitely work it in with bunch of songs hassle-free.

megrov, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Good track... Adding to radio mixshows and club rotation. HMU for drops at djraverx1@gmail.com

DJ Raver, Lawton, OK USA

Nice song I’ll play it on darussandstewshow can we have an drop interview for the show 1.( you). When I’m in Harlem I’m chilling with Russ&stew from darussandstewshow 2.yo this is name when I’m in Harlem I’m chilling with Russ&stew from darussandstewshow thanks you

DA RUSS & STEW SHOW, , new york, United States

I have a Radio show that is on two radio stations and the re-podcasts are on iheartradio. I will get this on it. Send me a drop for full impact and interaction with your fanbase ok?


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL USA


DJ Big 6, Spartanburg, SC USA


DEEJAYTEEROC352, Gainesville


Jammin Tee, Waynesboro

a banger send a drop


good sounds

jon maby, coventry uk

I like it

Williams Djshyne, , Ennis tx

a hit

djbossman, Shreveport

imma run it hitcha boy with a drop r 2 power94.net witcha boy SIR JAM

sir jam, NOLA thru d town


DJ 3D, London, UK


Dj Kenni Starr, France

good tune

DJ Jammy.D (Da Hub Radio), UK

Spin It

dj petai, Harrisburg

good track

jon maby, coventry uk