YGF DEVO and Big Dusa - MMM (Explicit)Album: Single
YGF DEVO and Big Dusa - MMM (Radio)Album: Single
- Title
- Artist
YGF DEVO & Big Dusa
- Album
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Raw Quality Sounds
- Contact
Jay Shields / VP & spokesman of label
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
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YGF DEVO & Big Dusa
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Song Overview
The song “MMM” by YGF DEVO and Big Dusa was written with the intentions of both creating an easily remembered tune, and giving insight to the accomplishments the two artist have achieved over time. The hook “mmmmmm” is something very catchy, but also is a highlight to the reaction “haters” give when they see others succeed. The instruments on the track produced by @goliathbeatz heavily inspired the melodic flow of the lyrics in the song. The heavy bass and upscale tempo comes together to create something that’s almost guaranteed to get stuck in your head