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  1. CONSEQUENCE feat Kanye West - No Apologies RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. CONSEQUENCE feat Kanye West - No Apologies EXPLICIT
    Album: Coming Soon

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Coming Soon Cover 192 Records / Hitmaker Distro Logo


CONSEQUENCE feat Kanye West

No Apologies


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Song Overview

192 Records / Hitmaker Distro presents the new single from CONSEQUENCE feat Kanye West titled "No Apologies".

DJ Feedback Greatly Feedback!

DJ Feedback

Hot need a drop...Your in the mix with your boy Dj Bull on KYOBRADIO.

DJ Bull, Pearland, TX USA




DJ Fagan, Bristol, United Kingdom

Thank you for your submission to WBHH-DB - We Blazin Hip Hop. It has been added to our station music library.  Follow us on Facebook Instagram and X @weblazinhiphop You can listen live to the station via   or download the app in the app store or google play store and search WBHH - We Blazin Hip Hop. We are excited to announce that we are officially a reporting station to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC. Not only do we pay royalties we are also tracked by DRT Digital Radio Tracker  You can donate to us via Paypal Paypal.Me/WeBlazinHipHop or Cash App $wbhhradio If you have any questions please feel free to let us know and thanks for supporting WBHH - We Blazin Hip Hop Representing the Independent Artist Culture

Lo Lo G, Norcross, GA USA


DJ Kung-Fu, Tampa, Florida

good stuff! will support.....

Dj Gary Cannavo, Danvers, MA USA

Good stuff! Were on it....

Dj Gary Cannavo, Danvers, MA USA

DJ Skillmaster on it big style

DJ Skillmaster, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Excellent production.

DJ. LERBECK, Sacramento, CA USA



Nice, Something different

DJ Easy Dee, Winston Salem, NC USA

That straight BOOM BAP sound that never gets old!!!

DJ Paul G, Hope Mills, NC USA

Dope song! These two always makes magic together. I need a drop for this one "Turn the volume up! You're now tuned into 101 TKO radio w/DJ GQue!"

DJ GQue, Columbia, SC USA


Djbillblast, USA, CT USA Please mention Black World sound DJ Imperial Lion on dat dj drop

DJ Imperial Lion Black World Sound Est. 1999, Providence, RI USA


DJ Baby G., Colorado Springs, CO USA

Very Nice!

Dorian Cox, Texarkana, AR USA

This is dope!

DJ J. Lone, , Winston-Salem, USA


Dj Kenni Starr, Calmont, France


Dremuzik, harlem nyc

Always been huge fan of Con! Glad he been cooking in the lab!

DJ Hott, Chicago

consequence is always a dope one

DJ Yoshi, Newark, NJ

DJ NEW YORK CITY KEN 310-229-5313 Send your artist biography and story

DJ NEW YORK CITY KEN, , Beverly Hills, California 90210

dope combo

DJ Double R, phx, az, usa

nice one

San Gabriel, Berlin

nice one

San Gabriel, Berlin

Thats that real vibe and hip hop shit right there.. feeling this for's a banger

DJ ONE STEP AHEAD, Nottingham England

Hot track fam need drops and an interview (yo I'm chilling with dj big stew & beamerboi on Beef Stew radio)

Dj big stew, , New York City