Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (MAIN)Album: DETOUR
Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (CLEAN)Album: DETOUR
Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (4Bar MAIN)Album: DETOUR
Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (4Bar CLEAN)Album: DETOUR
Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (INSTR)Album: DETOUR
Fresco Trey - Not No Mo (MAIN Acapella)Album: DETOUR
- Title
Not No Mo
- Artist
Fresco Trey
- Album
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Radio 4 BAR - Explicit 4 BAR - Instrumental
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Warner Music Group / Fresco The Label
- Contact
Coach, Manager
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.89 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
- Snapchat
- TikTok
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Fresco Trey
Not No Mo
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Song Overview
Rising Memphis rapper Fresco Trey releases his motivational
new single and music video entitled “Not No Mo” today. The upbeat track sees him level up again with irresistible swagger and infectiousconfidence as he exudes spirit and style. Most importantly, it heralds the release of his anxiously awaited new Detour EP, coming on November 10th.The song fuses finger-snaps, hypnotic claps, and neon guitar loops together in one championing soundscape. Taking stock of his journey so far, Trey raps charismatically as he urges, “Don’t be mad at me ‘cause I grinded for this.” The chantable chorus hits hard as he repeats, “you know I’ve been down before but not no mo.” In the accompanying visual, he spits bars from the stands of a high school basketball game. In between, he shoots hoops on the empty court and cruises the neighborhood. It cohesively speaks to his vision for the track, where if you keep pushing, you can make it in life..