1. Dow Bank$ - Platinum Tho [Prod. By EHP & Gsound]
    Album: N/A
  2. Dow Bank$ - Platinum Tho [Prod. By EHP & Gsound] (clean)
    Album: N/A

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Dow Banks

Platinum Tho


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Song Overview

DJ Feedback


DJ Tone, Milwaukee, WI USA

Pros: Alright track Cons: Just not into the concept. I dnt no if its the delivery or what, but it wasn't holding my ATTN. Final: It just might not be for me, but I'd still work on your delivery. Try other subjects too. Alright song but not a hit. Nothing I'd go out my way to look for or to play.

DJ Shotgunn, , Tampa, USA

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Good mixtape track

DJ CUBE, , Atl

I hear this on mixtape and mixed cds, not a hit single, but a good starter record.

Dj HeadBussa, Tampa

i'll try it on my radio show on wednesday nights. def a mixtape track.

dj big boi, panama city, fla

Cool record, good way to introduce your self. Something that can work in the clubs especially with the energy on the track.

DJ Seizure, Lauderhill

Alright track .... could've started out better

Kay Black, , Jacksonville Fl

Nice full of positive vibes I dont just mean "conscious" hip hop, but this has good energy you can be motivated by. Send drop!!!

Dj Telly Tell, , Trenton,NJ/USA

: :

DJ MekoJ, , Chicago/Illinois/USA

It's fair.

Dayo-Negasi, Evanston/Il/AmeriKKKa

Kind of getting that Three 6 vibe and this is a cool track.

Evryting Criss, Durham,NC

Really interesting record. I like it and my listeners also liked the record on my show.

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA

I like the beat should do good in the streets

DJ cube, , Atl

i wont lie i gave it passed the first 30 seconds because i wanted to be fair but i was ready to cut it off. The concept is dope... fix the beginning of the track..... find a different way to start it....

kingpin, atlanta

Big up Virdiko thanks for sending me this new track from

Black World Sound Est. 1999, , Providence New York Boston


DJ Solo Star, , Magnolia, TX

like dis..need a drop

dj barry, Fayetteville,NC