Sean Ware feat. Paris Lana - Praying Without Ceasing RADIO
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- Title
Praying Without Ceasing + Bonus Tracks
- Artist
Sean Ware feat. Paris Lana
- Album
Praise Beyond the Stars
- Version
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Warehouse Music Productions
- Contact
Sean Ware
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.95 out of 5
- Video Url
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Sean Ware feat. Paris Lana
Praying Without Ceasing + Bonus Tracks
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Song Overview
Sean Ware @ 773-398-6796
Sean Ware is a Gospel songwriter who lives on the outskirts of Chicago. Born June 21st 1977 in Illinois, he has dedicated his music to only writing songs glorifying and honoring Jesus Christ. All his songs have a unique sound to them and you can’t label the songs under 1 genre.
“Based on Scripture II” is the title of his debut album. This album has a unique sound and doesn’t sound like any gospel album out there. It was released 11-22-2019 His sophomore album which is titled “Praise Beyond the Stars,” was released on 02-22-2020.
It is a well balanced album with an R&B, Neo Soul vibe to it. It is also a multi-genre album where you have to listen to the whole album and you will fall in love with it.
His 3rd release on 03-18-2020 is a 4 song EP. It has an R&B, Uptempo, Jazz, and Spoken Word song on it.
It again is very unique in it’s own way. Sean also just released a song in Portuguese on 03-22-2020 and Spanish version of the same song.