1. Monique The Star ft. Capella Grey - Real Woman RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. Monique The Star ft. Capella Grey - Real Woman DJ INTRO RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon
  3. Monique The Star ft. Capella Grey - Real Woman ACAPELLA RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon

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Monique The Star ft. Capella Grey

Real Woman


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Song Overview

New Music by Monique The Star ft. Capella Grey titled "REAL WOMAN".

DJ Feedback

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Dj teeUnique, Bend, OR USA

Like the vibe of the record.

DJ Gates, Manhattan, NY USA

Hot need a drop...Your in the mix with your boy Dj Bull on KYOBRADIO. shudson1229@yahoo.com

DJ Bull, Pearland, TX USA

Dope music.. would love a drop from you you can follow us @straightofficialfreestylestyleradio

Straightofficialfreestyles, Yonkers, NY USA

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to introduce myself as Billy Dee, an Open Format Club/Radio DJ from the UK. I host my show on LondonHottRadio every Tuesday from 3-5 PM, where I play the best-unsigned music and more. Additionally, I host on Insync Radio every Friday Afternoon from 4 -6 PM, & Saturday afternoon from 2-4 PM where I play unsigned music and much more. I recently had the opportunity to view your latest promo, and I believe it would make a perfect addition to my radio show, I am confident that it will be well-received by my audience, and I would be honored to showcase your track in the clubs once I get a chance. Moreover, I assure you that I will obtain video footage when I play it, which will help generate buzz on social media. In return, I kindly request that you provide me with some jingles. I can assure you that I will return the Favor. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, Billy Dee FIRST JINGLE YOUR NAME YOUR LOCATION Every Tuesday Catch Litty Committee, JSharkz, Billy Dee, DJ Silencer, and DJ Redz, Live On London Hott Radio For the Litty Committee Show From 3 PM Till 5 PM Representing Unsigned Music & Much More Every Friday Catch Litty Committee, JSharkz, Billy Dee, DJ Silencer, and DJ Redz, Live On Insync Radio For the Litty Committee Show from 4-6 PM Representing Unsigned Music & Much More Every Saturday Catch Litty Committee, JSharkz, Billy Dee, DJ Silencer, and DJ Redz, Live On Insync Radio For the Litty Committee Show from 2-4 PM Representing Unsigned Music & Much More Second Jingle Your Name Your Location To Book The Hottest DJ, In And Around London Contact Him At 07405613375 Alternatively, E-mail Him At officialbillydee@hotmail.com Also Follow Him On TikTok @officialbillydee & Instagram At @Officialbillydee LAST JINGLE YOUR NAME YOUR LOCATION You are Now Rocking With The Hottest Crew Billy D, JSharkz, DJRedz DJ Silencer Representing the Litty Committee Big Shoutout To Cashup Squad Enzstar Ferrari MZTrue MR FlyGuy Astra I.P.N Victorious And All The Lit On Mic Artists. Also Big Shout To Wes & Catch Me Outside Crew. And Finally a Big shout out to Insync Radio, Mighty Mo, Big Chips, Banksy, Zee And The Whole Family. Thanks For All The Love Billy Dee

Billy Dee, London, United Kingdom

Yep, great tune!

Sly, London, UK

Will put this in the mix, to see if it really works.

Tommaso de Cillis, Trani, Italy

Hot Remix Of A 90's HipHop Classic

DJ Ciroc Da Legend, Salisbury, MD USA

Excellent production!

DJ. LERBECK, Sacramento, CA USA


J Kristyle, Memphis, TN USA


Dj Dj Tone, Baltimore, MD USA


Djbillblast, USA, CT USA

like this on time....

dj dredz, Detroit, MI USA

this tune is real nice - definitely spinning this!!

denco, birmingham, england


DJ 12play, Chesapeake, VA USA

nice i feeling it

The Real Dj Jroc, Las Vegas, NV USA

very nice song, thinking even total would apperciate you comming out with this song.. it's hot & sure to hit, tonytec59 sacramento california

tonytec59, Sacramento, CA USA


Me, United States