Promo Vatican feat BIG CUZ - SICK EXPLICIT
- Title
- Artist
Promo Vatican ft Big Cuz
- Album
Sick - Single
- Version
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Kage 1 OHM
- Label
Promo Vatican
- Contact
- Region
South East
- Kbps
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- Rating
4.77 out of 5
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Promo Vatican ft Big Cuz
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Song Overview
Alliance Music Group presents The Promo Vatican featuring Big Cuz "Sick" Fighting with a substance abuse addiction is a common struggle in this new day and age. Big Cuz takes you on a ride through the mind of a functioning addict. Using clever word play over stellar production this dark track sheds some light on the plague affecting all walks of life. Make sure to support the campaign and follow the movement. http://www.linktr.ee/rapjuggernaut Contact: strongfamilyinfo@gmail.com