Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN DirtyAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN CleanAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN Dirty AcappellaAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN Clean AcappellaAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN BeatAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN Dirty IntroAlbum: Coming Soon!
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna - StompiN Clean IntroAlbum: Coming Soon!
- Title
- Artist
Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Acapella - Instrumental - Radio w Intro - Explicit w Intro - Radio Acapella - Explicit Acapella
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Mute Gang Production
- Contact
Shenequa Foster (Talent & Marketing Manager)
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.50 out of 5
- Video Url
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Trippy Tribbitt x Glockianna
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Song Overview
Trippy Tribbitt link with rising 16 years star Glockianna to make an anthem not just for Memphis but the entire world. This is song is the definition of two generations coming together to make magic within music. Trippy speaks about more of being slept on in the music industry and Glockianna takes more of a personal approach to speak to the younger generation of things she deal with. It’s definitely one of them bangers we been waiting for. The question is can it become a hit?