1. Streets Callin
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. Steets Callin clean
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Kody Woah

Streetz Calling


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Song Overview

artist- Kody Woah
song- Streetz Calling
bpm- 72
label- Loyalty League
booking 678-438-5528

DJ Feedback

I'll get this in rotation...

DjKevyKevy, DFW, TX USA

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

if you would like to submit some new music to us feel free we are now taking submission for our end of summer promotion and follow us http://942blazin.weebly.com/submit.htmlrd

kpharaoh, burbank

damn this is crazy i am on it ... get at me djelplaga@gmail.com

dj el plaga, tennessee

i like the flow def can fuck wit it

superdjlilnick, valdosta ga



Decent song could be a good hit on the radio in urban markets

Dj Enferno, , Minneapolis, MN

Drop it in the Mix! Give it a shot

Bigg V, , Europe

Up tempo track that I can hear during power hour. Link up so we can talk mixtape placement. Need a drop

DJ Shalamar, The South/FL/US

Song jamming, I can hear it in the club during the early set. And definitely on mixtapes...

dj headbussa, tampa/fl/usa

Great track

mjay, , Tampa

dope ass track I'm def putting this in rotation asap lets work My email up top

Chill will, , Valdosta ga

Hot record, it's a definitely a mixtape track. I'm interested in giving you a slot on my next tape. I like it and I think it's a solid track. Like the way you delivered on it. hit me up on IG & Twitter let's get you heard!

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA

Production is good definitely could be a nice street record see this on mixtapes I fucks with the record

bolagmg, , California

Solid track


Hot track. I'm fuckin' wit it.

MzOnPoint, Central FL

Sold track definitely on mixtape will spin. It

djhypemancrunk, , Tennessee

I like this song. Decent mixtape joint. Beat dope. Flow cool. I'd like to hear more.

Tony Davis The DJ, Alabama

solid track, great for mixtapes. can see it doing the rounds in atl clubs. would need to schedule market visits

kingpin, riverdale


DJ Touch, Frederick, MD USA

nice track, believe it gonna go a long ways on the charts

djrandyr, dothan ala

its ok

DJ Paul, Kealakekua

like dis...need a drop

dj barry, Fayetteville,NC