Comedian Triple P ft. John Tanner - Triple P EXPLICITAlbum: Coming Soon
Comedian Triple P ft. John Tanner - Triple P RADIOAlbum: Coming Soon
- Title
Triple P.
- Artist
Comedian Triple P. feat. John Tanner
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
BScott Music
- Label
Cory Stephenson Music
- Contact
Management @ 972.639.0009
- Region
South West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.67 out of 5
- Video Url
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Comedian Triple P. feat. John Tanner
Triple P.
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Song Overview
Comedian Triple P performed all over the country worked with a lot of amazing people and companies like Kenan presents 2 Hot Radio, Janky promotions, Arlington improv, and JJ corner lounge SckTv. He was voted one of the funniest upcoming comedian in the country currently working with the great Papazoe management team. Papazoe Management is excited to have their first comedian on their team where they know that they will be creating amazing memories together.