Free Chris - Ventilation CleanAlbum: Coming Soon
Free Chris - Ventilation DirtyAlbum: Coming Soon
- Title
- Artist
Free Chris
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
The Lottery
- Label
Snatch ENT
- Contact
Breezy Says
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.00 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Free Chris
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Song Overview
C. Fre$h AKA Free Chris is easily dubbed as a rapper or hip hop artist, however one cannot forget his formal training in other more publicly accepted genres. This makes him appealing to fans across the board and what we can effortlessly say, a role model for today's youth. He is quoted saying "What we as powerful artists say can be stronger than the words of a single preacher, captivating more ears, listeners, and followers." Because of this belief, he is positive that he will be able to bring positivity and wisdom to his targeted audience, his peers, through his music.rnFree Chri$ has already began his mission, working with people like: SdotFire and William Mosely, who have worked with artists such as Kid Ink and Meek Mills, C. Fre$h's proudest accomplishment currently are his own projects titled: 2P - C.Fre$h, released in September of 2012 and his current project, AA - Free Chri$, which is waiting for release. Currently he is represented by Snatch Entertainment's Record Label.